Completing a Forward Drawdown

Once all your payment details have been entered and saved, you can book the deal.

  1. On the Payment Instructions page, click the REVIEW PAYMENT(S) tab.
    All of the payments and the related drawdowns and settlement details are listed on this page.

    Payment Instructions

    When you draw down against a forward, the deposit that you paid when you booked the forward is taken into consideration. When the total of the drawdown payments equals or exceeds the original value of the forward minus the amount of the deposit, the settlement amount is adjusted accordingly. When this happens, you will see Amount Settled in the Settlement Summary section. Click Amount Settled to display a pop-up that shows how the deposit is applied to the settlement amount.

    Payment Instructions

  2. Review the details of the payments and the settlement amounts and make any required changes.
    • In the Deal Allocation section, you can change the allocated amount that will be taken from the Forwards. If you adjust the allocated amount and it is insufficient to cover the payment, a Spot amount will be displayed for the additional funds to complete the deal.
      Note: If you are closing out the Forward, you will not be able to change the amount in this section.

    • Closed Forward Drawdown Interest Rate Adjustment
    • In the Settlement Summary section, you can click a dropdown and change the accounts from which the drawdown and fee amounts will be taken.
    • In the Payments section, you can click the edit icon and make changes to the payment details.

    Note: If you edit a payment or the Forward Drawdown amounts and the drawdown is insufficient to cover the payments, an Alert dialog appears that asks if you want to create a Spot Top Up for the balance. The Spot Top Up lets you add additional funds so that you can complete the deal.

  3. If the payments require approval, when you book the drawdown, all of the authorized approvers will receive an email letting them know that a deal is waiting to be approved. If you want to choose which approvers are notified, click Manage Approver List. Then click to select or deselect approvers.
  4. Click COMPLETE TRANSACTION to submit the deal.
    A confirmation dialog appears.

    Payment Booked message

    If applicable, a message is displayed to let you know that the authorized approvers have been notified. You can click View Receipt to view the drawdown confirmation.
  5. Optionally, click View Receipt to view the Forwards Drawdown Confirmation.

On the Deal History report, the Linked To column displays the order number of the original Forward contract. If the drawdown was booked from multiple forwards, all of the deal numbers are displayed in this field. You can click on the deal number to open the Forward deal confirmation.

Deal History report showing Linked to column